Cheerleader Crab
Don't forget to reference these helpful links as needed: The Basics, Glossary, How To Read a Workout, Pacing Table.
No warm up just start
100 @ :10 rest
200 @ :20 rest
300 @ :30 rest
400 @ :40 rest
500 @ :50 rest
600 @ 1:00 rest
700 @ 1:00 rest
800 @ 1:00 rest
900 @ 1:00 rest
1000 @ 1:00 rest
900 @ 1:00 rest
all the way back down to 100, same rest as above
TOTAL: 10,000
A tiny crab that lives a life of luxury in the warm waters of Hawaii, the Lybia edmondsoni are Poseidon's own cheer squad. Their pompoms are actually a pair of equally adorable sea anemones, which they use as a defense mechanism against predators. Obviously not here for your gender norms, L. edmondsoni are asexual and reproduce by fission.