Giant Isopod
Don't forget to reference these helpful links as needed: The Basics, Glossary, How To Read a Workout, Pacing Table.
Warm Up
400 swim
4 x 100 kick
4 x 50 (25 sprint/25 easy, 25 easy/25 sprint)
Set 1
3 x 200 @ b -10
2 x 100 @ b +10
2 x 200 @ b
4 x 100 @ b +5
1 x 200 @ b +10
6 x 100 @ b -10
(If the 100 bases are too fast for you, another option is to do them @ b+5, b, and b -5 instead of +/- 10)
Set 2
3 x 150 swim @ b
3 x 50 kick @ b
2 x 150 swim @ b
6 x 50 kick @ b
1 x 150 swim @ b
9 x 50 kick @ b
(If doing workout long course, if board is at other end of pool just do first 50 kick with no board)
1 x 100 for time!!!!!
Warm Down
200 easy
Total: 5,400
A giant isopod is to a roly-poly bug as King Kong is to a gorilla: it’s bigger, scarier and could easily star in a B-grade horror movie. The giant isopod is a crustacean, the group that also includes shrimp and crabs, and is closely related to your friendly neighborhood pillbug. They are carnivores who feed on the ocean floor at depths up to 7,000 feet (2,100 meters). Because meals in the deep ocean floor can be few and far between, giant isopods are able to go long periods without food and will binge eat when they can.