Cushion Star
Don't forget to reference these helpful links as needed: The Basics, Glossary, How To Read a Workout, Pacing Table.
Warm Up
2 x 50 swim
100 kick with board
Take as much rest as you need
Set 1
8 x 50 @ :20-30 rest
-->Your choice on the rest. I recommend start at :30 rest the first time you do this set, and as you get more comfortable in the water bring it down to :20 rest. Once that is comfortable, begin to do the set on a base (take your average time that you hold on the 50s and add 10 seconds.) Using your base will force you to maintain a more steady pace and will more quickly improve your cardiovascular capacity.
Warm Down
100 easy
Total: 700
This workout is designed for people still very new to swimming. Feel free to return to this set as you become more comfortable in the water.