Don't forget to reference these helpful links as needed: The Basics, Glossary, How To Read a Workout, Pacing Table.
Warm Up
2 x 300 swim
200 kick
Set 1
500 pull breathe every 3/5/7/5/3 by 100
4 x 50 @ b -->25 build, 25 easy
Set 2 (Main Set)
6x through:
100 @ b+5
100 @ b
100 @ b-5
This should be swam as a straight set of 100s, so go straight from the 100 @ b -5 right back into b+5 again. The 100s on b+5 act as recovery, but you can't totally loaf it. If you get through 3 sets and are feeling like you need it, take an extra minute rest before you start the next 3. This is a good set for working on speed control, goal is just to make the base.
100 easy
Set 3
6 x 150 @ b+15-->middle 50 freestyle drill, your choice
You might be tired, but try to hold your technique together. Really work on rotation and keeping your stroke long.
Warm Down
4 x 50 @ b+30 --> 25 no breath, 25 easy
Total: 4,600
The deep sea dragonfish, sometimes known as the scaleless dragonfish, is a ferocious predator that inhabits the deep ocean, down to 5,000 feet. It has extremely large teeth compared to its body size. In spite of its gruesome appearance, its is a small fish, measuring only about 6 inches in length. It also has a long protrusion known as a barbel attached to its chin. This barbel is tipped with a light-producing photophore, which it uses to attract prey. Since many of their prey also produce light themselves, the dragonfish has evolved special method of remaining hidden from predators after its meal. The walls of its stomach are black to keep the lights concealed while its meal is digested.